Excerpts from
Pathway of
Christian D. Larson
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1912. The thinking world of
today is
being filled with a phase of thought that has exceptional value. Some
of it is in a somewhat chaotic condition, but most of it is rich,
containing within itself the very life of that truth that is making the
world free. But in the finding of this truth, and in the application of
its principles, where are we to begin? What are we to do first? Partial
Contents: paths to a beautiful life; way to freedom; Supreme point of
view; good that is in you; giving much and receiving much; when life is
worth living; finding the lost word; royal path to wisdom; golden path
to increase; vision of the soul; Infinite revealed; prayers that are
answered; faith that moves mountains; supreme purpose of life; God's
beautiful gift to me.
Chapter 1
have believed for a long time, and with good reason, that life could be
everything that we have hoped for; even as fair and wonderful as what
we have seen when thinking was deep and clear; and we now feel that
such a life is a definite possibility.
We are learning to expand our concepts of truth and
of life as a whole; and so we are able to discern the way. Then, as we
proceed, we discover, to our amazement, that life in the real is so
large and so immensely rich that we will need eternity to live it all.
This discovery is inspiring to a high degree. But what are the methods
and the principles that we should apply so that we may continue to go
forward upon this remarkable road? That is what we all are eager to
First, recognize the great truth that you have the
ability to live your own life exactly as you may desire to live. You
are the real master of your own existence and you, yourself, may
determine how beautiful that existence is to be.
Your life is in your own hands. You may live as you
wish. You may secure from life whatever you desire, because there is no
limit to life, and no limit to your capacity to live. The elements of
life can be modified, changed, developed and perfected to comply with
your own supreme demand; the increase of life can be realized in the
exact measure of your largest need; you are in living touch with
Infinite life, and there is neither limit nor end to the source of your
To live in the constant recognition of this great
truth, is to rise continually into higher and higher degrees of that
mastery of life that gives you the power to live your life according to
your most perfect ideals. To reach the goal that every ascending mind
has in view, this truth, therefore, must ever be recognized and
applied. It is one of those principles that you shall always require,
no matter how high you may rise in the scale of divine being.
You invariably receive what you desire, no more, no
less. You get what you wish for if the power within that wish is as
strong as you can make it.
The fact that you can have an ideal, proves that
you have the power to secure it. The fact that you can formulate and
appreciate a desire for something larger and better, proves that you
can fulfill that desire. The great essential is to desire with the
whole heart; that is, to give your desires all the life and power that
you can possibly arouse from the depths of invincible being.
The true desire and the true prayer are synonymous.
The true prayer is invariably some immensely strong desire expressed
when your human mind feels the sublime touch of the Infinite mind; and
the true desire must be in perfect touch with Infinite life in order to
be filled with the invincible power of that life.
To cause every wish to come true, you must express
all the power of mind and soul through every wish; but you cannot give
expression to all the power within you until you awaken your spiritual
nature, and you cannot awaken your spiritual nature until you begin to
live with the Infinite. The largeness and immensity of the supreme
spiritual life within you comes forth only as consciousness is
spiritualized, and you gain spiritual consciousness by living and
thinking constantly in the lofty state where you actually feel that God
is closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet.
We cannot desire too much, and when we desire with
all the life and power that is within us, our desires shall positively
be fulfilled. The wish must be whole-hearted, not half-hearted; it must
contain all the power we have, not simply the limited actions - shallow
thinking; and it must contain soul, not simply emotion, but that deep,
spiritual feeling that touches the very spirit of limitless life and
Have faith in God, have faith in humanity, have
faith in yourself, have faith in everything; and have faith in faith.
When you have confidence in yourself you arouse everything that is
stronger, greater and superior in yourself. In consequence, the more
confidence you have in yourself, the more you will attain and
accomplish. But the power of self-confidence is but an atom in
comparison with the marvelous power of faith.
Faith takes mind and soul into the greater realms
of life. It goes out upon the boundless, and awakens those interior
spiritual forces that have the power to do anything. This is why all
things become possible when you have faith.
It is the nature of faith to break bounds; to
transcend limitations, and take life, thought and action into the
universal. It is the nature of faith to unite the lesser with the
greater, to unite your individual mind with the mind of God. Therefore,
you shall always require faith; however far you may go into the
greater, the superior and the boundless today, faith will take you
farther still to-morrow. And that is your purpose; to realize your
largest and dearest desires in the present, and then press on to the
realization of other and far greater desires in the future.
Depend upon the superior spiritual self within for
results, and give this greater Essence the credit for everything you
accomplish. When you depend upon the personal self, you place yourself
in touch only with the lesser forces on the surface; you therefore will
accomplish but little; but when you depend upon the supreme spiritual
self, you place yourself in touch with the greater powers within, and
results will be greater in proportion.
When you give credit to the personal self, you
ignore the interior spiritual self; you thereby fail to secure that
greater wisdom and power that the spiritual self alone can supply.
Instead of being led by that inner light that knows, you are led by the
confusion of outer thought; you are turned away from the path that
leads to truth, freedom and the perfect life, and your mistakes are
many. Instead of being taken into the current of that invincible life
that can carry you through to your very highest goal, you remain in the
hands of mere physical energy, that energy that can do nothing more
than simply keep your body alive.
Whenever you accomplish something worth while, and
give the praise to your own outer personal self, you immediately lose
your hold on those powers through which those results were gained; in
consequence, failure will begin, and you will have to retrace all your
former steps to again gain possession of that power that can do
whatever you may wish to have done.
To constantly depend upon the greater self, to
constantly expect the desired results from the greater self, and to
always give credit to the greater self, is to constantly draw upon the
limitless wisdom and power of the greater self – the supreme spiritual
self within you. You thereby become larger and stronger in all the
elements of your being, rising ever in the scale, gaining ground
perpetually, and passing from victory to victory. What you desire you
will receive because higher power is working through you, and as you
ascend in the scale, there is nothing that you will not attain and
The principal cause of failure among those who are
trying to live in harmony with real truth, may be found in the general
tendency to think of the outer person as the power that does things on
the visible plane. But it is the interior spiritual person that gives
the power, though the outer person is required to apply it. And the
more thought we give to the interior person, the more life and power we
bring forth from within.
The interior person is the true self,
created in the image and likeness of God; it is therefore evident that
when you begin to live with the life and the power of the
interior person, the expression of real greatness and real spirituality
will begin. And from that moment you will not be limited to the power
of the personal self; instead you will fill the personal self with that
divine power from on high that is limitless, inexhaustible and
Live for a great purpose, and hold the central idea
of that purpose constantly before mind. Do not live for the mere sake
of prolonging existence; live for something that magnifies, on the
largest possible scale, all the elements of existence. To live for a
great purpose is to live a great life, and the greater your life, the
greater the good that you will receive from life. The ruling desire of
every living soul is to have life, and have it more abundantly;
therefore, to fulfill that desire we must continue perpetually to live
for that which produces more life. No matter how rich we may become in
the real, spiritual life, here is a principle that we must ever
remember and apply.
Do not work for yourself; work for the great idea
that stands at the apex of your greatest purpose. The greater the idea
for which you work, the greater will be your work; and it is he who
does the greatest work that does the most for everybody, himself
included. When your work is great you become a great power for good
among thousands, and at the same time you do more for yourself than you
could possibly do in any other manner.
When you begin to live and work for a great
purpose, you get into the current of great forces, great minds and
great souls. You gain from every source; -all the powerful lives in the
world will work with you; you become a living part of that movement in
the world that determines the greater destiny of humanity; you become
one of the chief elements upon which will depend the future of
countless generations yet to be; you become one of the chosen of the
Most High.
To live for a great purpose is to live in the world
of great ideas, and great ideas awaken great thoughts. You are as you
think. Great thoughts produce great minds; from great minds proceed
great works, and great works constitute the building material with
which the kingdom upon earth is to be constructed.
When you begin to live for a great and good
purpose, you place in action that law that causes all things to work
together for good. Henceforth, nothing is in vain; every person, thing
or event that comes into your world will add to the welfare, the
richness and the beauty of that world. All things become ministers of
the life that is real life, you have been giving your best everywhere,
and you are receiving the best from every source in return.
To live for that which is high, lofty and sublime,
is to walk with God; the love, the life, the power and the wisdom of
the Infinite will ever be with you, and to have such companions is to
be blessed indeed. Every moment will give you the peace that passes
understanding, every hour will be filled with the joy everlasting, and
every day will be as a thousand years in celestial kingdoms on high.
1. To live always in the Secret Place of the Most High,
2. To think only those thoughts that are inspired from above,
3. To do all things in the conviction that God is with you,
4. To do your best at all times with no thought of reward,
5. To love everybody as God loves you, and be kind as God is
6. To ask God for everything and in faith expect everything,
7. To live in perpetual gratitude to The One who gives
8. To love God so much that you can inwardly always feel the
9. To pray without ceasing, the true worship of the soul.
Chapter 2
To give the world emancipation is the ruling desire of all
that are spiritually awakened; and these should remember that to
overcome evil with good is the only way. Forget the wrong that may
appear in the outer world of things, and give all your thought to the
great good that is inherent in all things. You thereby place in action
the greatest emancipating power that the human race will ever know.
You have been in bondage because you have lived to please the
person. Follow the soul and freedom shall come quickly. Then you shall
please the person better than ever before. To follow the soul is to
enter the greater domains of life, those domains from which you may
secure everything that is rich and beautiful and superior in human
existence. The soul leads, not only into the life more abundant, but
also into the actual possession of all the spiritual riches that the
greater life may contain. And when you find the kingdom that is within,
all that you may desire in the without shall be added.
The soul that lives most perfectly in the present, creates
nobly for the future. Be yourself today, regardless of what happened
yesterday. Be all that you are or can be today, and you will live in a
fairer world tomorrow.
There is only one will in the universe just as
there is only one mind. The one mind is the mind of God, the one will
is the will of God. Your individual mind is an individual or
differentiated expression of the Infinite mind, and the largeness of
this human mind depends upon how much of the one mind you may decide to
appropriate. You have the freedom to incorporate in your own individual
consciousness as much of the Infinite mind as you may desire; and as
the mind of the Infinite is limitless, your mind may continue to become
larger and larger without any end.
The will of your individual mind is a partial
expression of the will of God, just as the force of growth that is in
each branch is a part of the same force that is in the vine, and the
power of your individual will depends upon how perfectly your mind
works in harmony with the Infinite mind.
There is no limit to the power of the will of God,
the divine will; therefore, when your will is as large a part of the
divine will as your mind can appropriate and apply, your will
necessarily becomes immensely strong; and since your mind can
appropriate a larger and a larger measure of the divine will, there is
no limit to the power of will that can be developed in your individual
To develop the true will, the first essential is to
realize that there is but one will, and that you will with the one will
just as you live the one life and think with the one mind, though in
your thinking, living and willing, you do not, as a rule, do justice to
that part of the whole which it is your privilege to use. You think,
live and will too much as an isolated entity instead of as a divine
being eternally united with the Supreme.
The second essential is to realize that the divine
will works only for better things and greater things. The path of the
divine will is upward and onward forever, and its power is employed
exclusively in building more lofty mansions for the soul. Therefore,
the will of God does not produce sickness, adversity or death; on the
contrary, the will of God eternally wills to produce wholeness, harmony
and life.
The ills of personal life are not produced by
divine will; they are produced by your inability to properly use that
part of divine will that is being expressed in individual mind, and
your inability comes because you have not always applied your will in
harmony with divine will.
When you use your personal will as your own
isolated power, you separate your mind more and more from the source of
your power; in consequence, the power of your will becomes weaker, and
you necessarily fail to accomplish what you have in view. You also fall
apart from the one ascending current of life; you get out of harmony
with the true order of things, and sickness, trouble, adversity and
want invariably follow.
The true use of the will is to apply your
individual will in the full recognition of the oneness of the human
will with the divine will. Your will is as much of the divine will as
you are using now, and it is your privilege to use as much of the
divine will as you may desire. To constantly think of your will and the
divine will as the same will, is to place your mind in such perfect
harmony with limitless power of divine will that you can appropriate
this power in larger and larger measure, and the more you appropriate,
the stronger becomes the power of will in you.
When your individual mind is in such perfect
harmony with the Supreme mind that the divine will can be given free
and full expression, the will of your individual mind becomes
invincible; the secret therefore of developing a powerful will is found
here, and here alone.
The true will is never domineering nor
antagonistic; neither does it ever apply the force of resistance. If
you are antagonistic or have a tendency to resist everything that is
not to your liking, it is proof conclusive that you are not in harmony
with divine will. You are misdirecting your power, and are forming
obstacles and pitfalls for yourself.
The divine will does not attempt to overcome evils
and obstacles with antagonistic or domineering forces; the divine will
does not fight wrong, it transforms wrong. It works in silence and
serenity, but goes so deeply into the elements of things that it
undermines the very first causes of all adverse or detrimental
conditions. It does not resist the surface, but goes calmly beneath the
surface and transforms those undercurrents from which surface
conditions proceed.
The divine will, by going into the deeper life of
all things, transforms all things into harmony with itself; and can
transform all things because its power is supreme. Therefore when you
are in the midst of adversity, you should not rail against fate nor
antagonize those conditions that seem to work against you. You have
within you the power of divine will, and this will can change
everything for good.
But it not only can, it will. It is not the will of
God to keep any person in adversity. It is the will of God to set every
person free, and every person will be set free when he places his life
completely in the hands of divine will.
When the individual mind can say, from the heart,
Thy will be done, the individual life has been placed in the power of
divine will and that life will at once begin to pass out of adversity,
sickness, trouble and want, into the world of freedom.
you do not give up your individuality when you give your mind over to
divine will; you do not become automatons in the hands of some superior
power; on the contrary, you open your mind to that power that alone can
produce individuality. The individuality you now possess has been
formed by whatever measure of divine will that you have incorporated in
your own conscious existence, and by opening your mind completely to
divine will, you shall gain sufficient power to make your individuality
infinitely stronger and superior to what it now is. Your purpose is not
to be used by the Supreme, but to use the power of the Supreme.
To live the life of God, think the thought of God,
and will with the will of God – that is the secret path to the highly
developed individuality; and it is such an individuality that becomes a
master mind, a son and daughter of the Most High.
When the individual mind declares, Thy will be
done, consciousness must fully recognize the presence of Supreme power,
and must realize, with depth of thought and feeling, that Supreme power
invariably ads to higher ground – the world of freedom and superior
When the mind gives up to divine will in an
indifferent, submissive, self-surrendering attitude, it is not giving
up to divine will; it is simply giving up to the surrounding forces of
fate. Such a mind will permit the forces of adversity to have their
way, thinking that it is the will of God that much suffering must still
be endured, and will consequently drift with circumstances, accepting
whatever comes as a necessary chastisement.
This method, however, weakens the mind, and places
the individual more out of harmony with God than ever before. You
always place yourself out of harmony with God when you accept evil as
coming from God, and you weaken your own ability to use divine will
when you permit adversity to exist thinking that it was sent from God.
To give the mind over to divine will is not to give
up at all, in the ordinary sense of that term; you simply place
yourself in that position where you can use the power of the one true
will instead of a mere imitation. You blend your own desires and aims
with that power that you know can see you through, and you
work in the realization that whatever is detrimental in your plans will
be eliminated as you press on towards the great goal in view.
Your mind that is aimless, waiting for the will of
God to take you where you belong, You will drift with fate. You are not
in the hands of divine will, you are in the hands of circumstances
because you have not given divine will something to do. God does not
tell you what to do; God has given you the wisdom to know your own
desires and your own tendencies, and has given you the power to fulfill
those desires, but you must take individual action; this is why you
have individuality and free individual choice.
However, when you do take individual action, God
will work with you if you enter into harmony with the divine, and when
God is with you, failure is impossible.
To use divine will, you must first have a lofty
purpose in view; you must have something high and something definite
that you wish to attain; you must have something upon which to apply
the limitless power of divine will, and you must desire to reach that
goal with the very deepest and strongest desires of heart and soul.
Then you must will to press on, knowing that you
are using divine will, the Supreme will of the Most High, because this
is the only will in the universe. It is the will that eternally wills
the higher, the greater and the better – the will that is invincible,
and always does what it wills to do.
To the minds of the many the true meaning of the
Will of God has not been made perfectly clear; therefore, the majority,
even among those who have strong spiritual tendencies, hesitate to give
up to the absolute direction of higher power. There is a slight dread
in the mind of the average person whenever he thinks of entering the
uncertainty and the mysteriousness of the seeming void, and as long as
things are reasonably well he does not care to give up to some power he
knows nothing of. And as a true understanding of higher power can not
be found among the many, there are, accordingly, but few who can
actually declare, with the whole heart, "Thy will be done." We
frequently pray for His will to guide us, nevertheless we inwardly
expect to use our own wills in mostly everything we do. But such
prayers are not true to the spirit, and therefore they prevent the soul
from actually discerning the real meaning of God’s will; and also
prevent the mind from becoming a perfect channel for the expression of
His will.
The universe is orderly from center to
circumference, and everything is established upon the firm foundation
of eternal right and universal good. There is a power that lives and
moves throughout this vast immensity, and all those things that have a
permanent place is the cosmos, or that are instrumental in any way, in
promoting the purpose of life, have their source in this one power. All
the laws and forces in existence spring originally from this power; it
is therefore the center and source of all that lives and moves; and
this power is the will of God. Accordingly, to do the will of the God
is to enter into harmony with the universal order and promote the great
eternal plan.
The laws of life are all expressions of Supreme
will. God wills eternally the right and the true, and the act of His
willing originates and perpetuates the sublime plan of life that
harmoniously thrills the entire cosmos during endless eternities. God’s
will is constant and changeless; therefore all the laws and principles
in existence remain ever the same, as they are all the expression of
the One Will. All that we see in the life of the universe is the
eternal coming forth of Divine Will, and the perpetual returning to the
One Source.
The true will in every soul is an individualization
of Infinite Will, and the true use of the individual will means the
doing of the will of God. The Infinite Will does not seek to control
things, but seeks eternally to give itself to things. And here lies the
secret in correctly using the human will, and in placing the human will
in perfect harmony with God’s Will. When you can say with the whole
heart, "Thy Will be done," you are not giving up your own will, but you
are placing your own will and the whole of your life in oneness with
God and in harmony with the universal order. Therefore, when you do the
Will of God your own will becomes right, and becomes infinitely
stronger than it ever was before.
When we act in perfect accord with the laws of life
on all the planes of being, we are doing the Will of God because what
we call law in life is the Will of God in expression in life. He who
lives in perfect harmony with nature, who fully appreciates her
grandeur and her beauty, and who daily seeks to be inspired by the
loveliness of her presence is doing the Will of God in the natural
world. He who rightly employs all the elements of mind and body, and
who furthers the purpose of his own being in constant growth and
unfoldment is doing the will of God in the human world. He who searches
the deep things of God and enters into that high state where God
becomes "closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet;" he who
lives and moves and has his being in the infinite sea of divine light,
and ever ascends higher and higher into the greater glories of God’s
kingdom, is doing the will of God in the spiritual world.
Whoever can say with his whole heart "Thy will be
done," has placed the whole of his life in perfect accord with God; and
henceforth he will seek to live in perfect harmony with all that is,
because all is of God. To do the will of God is not only to place one’s
life in the hands of God, but to be at peace with all the world, and to
give one’s whole life to all the world. The will of God seeks eternally
to give itself to things – all things; the will of humanity, to be in
harmony with the will of God, must do the same.
However insignificant a law may seem to be, it is
God working in that part of the spiritual universe; and as God is
everywhere, manifesting spiritual power everywhere, we must live and
work with God in all things, even the most trivial, if we would be in
perfect accord with the spiritual life and always do God's will. A law
in life is a path to greater things; in truth, an open door through
which we may pass more closely into God's presence. We can meet God at
every expression of life, and whenever we are in the highest state of
harmony with our expression of life, we have met God in that place. And
also, when we use that expression of life in entering into a larger
measure of life, we do the Will of God in that place. Therefore,
whoever meets God everywhere, and does His will in every place, will
realize the fullness of life at all times and under every circumstance.
And to realize the fullness of life is to realize the allness of the
The incompleteness of human life, in general, is
caused by our failure to enter into perfect accord with all the laws in
our sphere of existence. We may be wholly right in some things while
the very opposite in other things. We may be scrupulous in regard to
the right use of some laws, and at the same time continually negligent
in regard to others. There are many who take perfect care of their
bodies, and comply most rigidly with all known physical laws, yet they
violate the laws of mind nearly every hour of their existence. Others
are very careful so as to think only the truth, and do their best to
remain continually in the most beautiful states of mind; but while
aiming to live in mental ideals they are wholly indifferent to the
welfare of the body. Not infrequently we find people who live in
perfect accord with intellectual laws but violate daily the moral laws.
Also, too many who are the reverse. In brief, the majority do the will
of God in some realms while living entirely at variance with His laws
in other realms. And here we find the simple answer to many perplexing
When some misfortune comes to you that you do not
think you deserve, do not think that God is unjust or that fate is
unkind. You have simply failed to do God's will in all things. Do not
blame others, do not blame fate, do not even blame yourself; simply
proceed to readjust your life so that you may become one with the
divine in all things. Then all ills shall disappear, and you shall not
only regain what you have lost but you shall, in addition, receive much
more. Live in accord with all the laws of life physically, mentally and
spiritually; do all things in the consciousness of God; do all things
to the glory of God, and follow the light of His spirit in every
thought and deed; then you will always do the Will of God.
"Pathway of Roses" by
Christian D. Larson
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